Sunday, March 8, 2009

Another day has come and gone

It is amazing how fast time is passing these days, it seems like I wake up and go to bed all within a couple of hours and another day has come and gone.  Besides time going by fast it is fun to look at all of the fun times that I have had and will have in the future.  Alot is going to change here soon, not like it hasn't changed quite a bit in the last few months.  I will be going home to the farm and back to the lifestyle that I was born for, sitting on a tractor going through fields.  It is a peacful lifestyle one that I have thouroughly enjoyed and am so grateful for, it is nice to have that simple part of life to be able to go back to and be able to work hard and have fun.  Life is good that is the best way to sume it up.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Something to pass the time

First of all this is the blog for me, my wife, Katie, made a couple blog at so I decided I would do one on my own.  I have so many random thoughts that bounce around in my head and it is about time I put them down.  I hope people enjoy this and are able to have fun with it, that is all I want is to have fun and enjoy life.  As the title of the blog implies this is just something that will help me pass the time.